Friday, April 5, 2013

Outpouring Of The Spirit


Paul had a Holy Ghost Moment on the road to Damascus. Cornelius had a Holy Ghost experience  in a vision. Cornelius Sent, Peter went, Paul  prayed, Ananias obeyed.

It is our sincere desire and prayer to God to see marriages, family, our world, continent, country, region, state, metro, county, community, city, neighborhood, streets, neighbors, and  home, to have an outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

We know from experience that nothing is so real as an experience that causes one to know Jesus through an experience that confirms and puts an exclamation point to those things you intellectually understand and connect with in your heart.

If it is a dream, vision or some other thing that causes you to know God is working, reaching helping, touching, providing for "YOU", it is you!

We believe prophetically; we are properly positioned to see an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit of God especially on marriages.

Our prayer is that we are positioning  ourselves personally in such away; that God would not only step into our own life in a greater way, but that he be the catalyst for these events that are going  to happen in the lives of others.

To be salt and light; to be a flaming witness.

As is our promise from Jesus, "Ye shall receive power to be my witnesses after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you."

We see Jesus himself, he understood that being baptized by John was a necessary thing. We see that Jesus as man needed to be baptized and when what was needed was done, there was a visible, spiritual and unforgettable manifestation of the Spirit of God upon him.

We see this same pattern repeated in scripture; that if we will simply line up our lives to those things it teaches us, it puts us in a position to not only see it and hear it for ourselves, but others standing by will be effected and find confirmation in their own life that God has  purposed for them.

In Acts 2, the promise came because people obeyed the directions of Jesus and positioned themselves at the right place, doing the right thing and when the right time came, WOW.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Let us position ourselves for a Holy Ghost Moment. It could be that when we get where we need to be, doing what we need to do, God will show up in such an incredible way that others will be drawn by the anointing of the Holy Ghost.
Marital Coaches,

Pastors Jerome & Ivy Moore


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