Friday, April 25, 2014

Listening To Your Spouse

Listening is important role in relationships from initial attraction to long-term commitment. In new relationships, listening can be an effective tool not just for attracting the other person but also for overcoming any awkwardness or embarrassment that arises during dating and the process of getting to know one another. In longer-term relationships, listening can keep things exciting, fresh, and vibrant. It can also help you overcome conflicts, disagreements, and the tiny aggravations than can build up over time and wreck even the strongest of relationships is not listening, so take time out and do not over talk but listen.


Man Talk! Real Men~Real Talk- Topic-Home (Family)

HOME (Family, Land, Shelter)

What is God’s plan for the home?

And you must think constantly about these commandments I am giving you today. You must teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk; at bedtime and the first thing in the morning.

1.Home, a place that our feet may leave, but not our hearts
2.He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.
3.He that has not rest at home is in the world’s hell.
4.Home is a place where the great are small, and the small are great.
5.Home is not where you live but where they understand you.
6.Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
7.Home is where life makes up its mind. It is there—with fellow family members—we hammer out our convictions on the anvil of relationships. It is there we cultivate the valuable things in life, like attitudes, memories, beliefs, and most of all, character.


A Rare Woman Interview-Nancy Wilson

Nancy Wilson is a dynamic speaker and author who combines a zest for life and people. Nancy has over 30 years of ministry experience. As a result, she clearly communicates with conviction and compassion to this generation.
For 25 years, Nancy served as Associate National Director of Cru High School (formerly Student Venture), the high school and junior high outreach of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ International).
She now serves as Global Ambassador with StoryRunners, a mission of Cru to unreached people groups.
Nancy travels extensively and is a frequent speaker to audiences of all ages in the U.S. and internationally as a global ambassador for Cru.
She has spoken to thousands of young people and challenges them to passionately pursue a relationship with God and become an ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Nancy resides in Florida and her family lives in St. Louis, Missouri. She has four brothers and one sister and is a proud aunt of 15 precious nieces and nephews.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Better Listner

Tonight at 6pm

Topic: A Better Listner

Many problems in the home are a direct result of poor communication. While both both husband and wife are responsible to communicate truthfully, effectively and biblcally with each other, the husband is the head of the household and thus carries the primary responsibility in ensuring that communication is taking place in the home. On this episode we will be talking about (Listening)Do not assume you know what your spouse is thinking. Do not assume that you know your spouses motives or opinions regarding a situation without first communicating and receiving the necessary information verbally. Remember, only God know the heart. "For I know their works and their thoughts Isaiah 66:18

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lying, Deceit,Falsehood, Untruth

                         LYING (Deceit, Falsehood, Untruth)
              Why is God’s judgment against lying so harsh?

Lying is a form of self-deception. Saul thought he had won a great victory over the Amalekites, but God saw it as a great failure because Saul had disobeyed him and then lied to Samuel about the results of the battle. Saul may have thought his lie wouldn’t be detected, or that what he did was not wrong. Saul was deceiving himself.
1.But a slip of the tongue you may never get over.
2. Better the feet slip than the tongue.
3.Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.
      4. A liar isn’t believed even when he speaks the truth.
      5. A lie is the refuge of weakness. The man of courage is not afraid of the truth.
      6. A lie travels around the world while truth is putting her boots on
      7.He who tells a lie is forced to invent twenty more to maintain it


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Just One Step!!

Marriage is extremely difficult. Few people in our time prepare themselves adequately for the challenges of marriage – and the result is frequently disastrous. A successful marriage requires not only spiritual preparation (as many in the Church mistakenly believe) but also practical life skills. These skills include the ability to perform domestic duties, to deal with financial responsibilities, to form lasting and healthy relationships, to communicate effectively,to be good parents and have a good prayer life.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Homelessness In America

Roman Barnes lives among the homeless and next to the fortunate, at the edge of hope. Among Pigeons is his journey from rags to revelation. His story exposes dueling societies that share more than they are willing to admit. In a weak economy many people are struggling to remain afloat, just as Roman, and many are one decision from living among pigeons.
Join Us with Doctor Lawrence A. Wood is a 26 year veteran of the United States Navy. He retired at the rank of Captain and has been in the business of caring and compassion for more than thirty years, as a Physical Therapist, Ophthalmologist, and Writer.

He is the author of numerous poems, screenplays and short stories. Hi...s stage play, No Marks Just Memories, performed to sold-out audiences in Japan.
In writing Among Pigeons, Doctor Wood, remembers his childhood treatment of a neighborhood homeless man, dubbed John-the-Bum. He recalls: "We treated him with contempt and hatred and I never looked him in the eye to see his equality with me. I never looked beyond his dirty face or smell to see his heart. I deliberately made every effort to remain far enough as to not touch him. It is clear that decades later, it was he who touched me."
Doctor Wood believes Among Pigeons, will right a wrong, raise awareness about the homeless and lift humanity.
Doctor Wood lives with his wife Vanessa Wood and youngest son Seth in San Marcos, California.

Lust-Why is it so dangerous

Lust can destroy any normal desire. Craving or lusting is more than inappropriate sexual desire. It can be an unnatural or greedy desire for anything (sports, knowledge, possessions, influence over others). In this circumstance, God punished the Israelites for craving good food! Their desire was not wrong; the sin was in allowing that desire to turn into greed. They felt it was their right to have fine food, and they could think of nothing else. When you become preoccupied with something until it affects your perspective on everything else, you have moved from desire to lust.

Relationship & Money- Going Over Budget with Finances

Love may make the world go ‘round, but disagreements over money can stop even the best relationship and marriage dead in its tracks.Too often, disagreements about money have little to do with money itself and more to do with issues of control, security, self esteem and love. Think carefully on this topic as we discuss money issues with your partner to make sure there isn't a larger problem at the core. Resilience is achieved by following one fundamental rule: Your commitment to your relationship and not going over budget must be stronger than your personal history, frame of mind, or the burden of a distressed situation.

Today we are goin ti be talking about Going Over Budget with Finances


A Rare Woman-Interview with Florence Worsham

Who would have ever thought it? From a young child growing up, Flo always sensed tremendous change would someday take place in her life, but she never knew when. Florence Logan Worsham grew up in Halifax County, Virginia as the youngest among six siblings. Her mother became pregnant nine times but three children died at birth…with Flo still being the youngest. In that respect, she always knew within herself - if you were born on this earth - you have a purpose. What the heck is purpose anyway?
To some, the word lights a fire in their belly because they truly understand what it means to live life with a purpose or calling. Others will cringe at the word... what a silly word, purpose. They doubt that everyone (including themselves) has a purpose or that things really do happen for a reason. in this Broadcast Edition we will be speaking with Florence Worsham A Rare Woman that has a true purpose in Life and that is going somwwhere.

Real Me, Real Talk-Proscrastination

Procrastination reveals deeper problems
Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich. A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a shame to see a lad who sleeps away his hour of opportunity.
Often we delay doing jobs that seem large, difficult, boring, or disagreeable. But to continue putting them off shows lack of discipline, poor stewardship of time, and in some cases disobedience to God. Jobs we don’t enjoy require concentration, teamwork, twice as much time, lots of encouragement, and accountability. Remember this when you are tempted to procrastinate.

The 6 D's of Marriage

If there is one universal life quest most people have in common, it’s finding that special someone and building a great life together. Sure, we all have to go through trial and error before we find our soul mate. But finding them is one of the great adventures and pleasures of life. Today, take a look at your relationship and give it a checkup.

This is by no means a scientific test. However, it will give you a general measure of satisfaction and provide a sense of direction regarding where you fall on these relationship issues as we discuss Disunity,Discord,Disruption,Dvision,Despair, and Depression.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Communication & Marriage Topic: When You Interrupt

                                      Topic: When You Interrupt

Many problems in the home are a direct result of poor communication. While both both husband and wife are responsible to communicate truthfully, effectively and biblcally with each other, the husband is the head of the household and thus carries the primary responsibility in ensuring that communication is taking place in the home.

On this episode we will be talking about "When You Interrupt" (Listening)Do not assume you know what your spouse is thinking. Do not assume that you know your spouses motives or opinions regarding a situation without first communicating and receiving the necessary information verbally. Remember, only God know the heart. "For I know their works and their thoughts Isaiah 66:18

Dependable, Consistent, Steadfast In Your Relationship

                                 Dependable, Consistent, Steadfast In Your Relationship

If there is one thing most people have in common, it’s finding that special someone and building a great life together. Sure, we all have to go through trials and tribulations before we find our soul mate. But finding them is one of the great adventures and pleasures of life. Today, we are going to talk about taking a look at your relationship and give it a checkup.

This is by no means a test. However, it will give you a general measure of satisfaction and provide a sense of direction regarding where you fall on these relationship issues.

These three words sum up a reliable partner. This quality represents a key in the healthy relationship wheel. A reliable partner is someone we often refer to as our rock, our shield. When you need them, they’re always there.

~Man Talk~ Real Men Real Talk ~Topic: Money

                             Lust can destroy any normal desire.

Craving or lusting is more than inappropriate sexual desire. It can be an unnatural or greedy desire for anything (sports, knowledge, possessions, influence over others). In this circumstance, God punished the Israelites for craving good food! Their desire was not wrong; the sin was in allowing that desire to turn into greed. They felt it was their right to have fine food, and they could think of nothing else. When you become preoccupied with something until it affects your perspective on everything else, you have moved from desire to lust.

~Man Talk~ Real Men Real Talk Topic: Money

                               MONEY (Cash, Fortune, Treasure)

If you want to know what a man is really like, take notice how he acts when he loses money.
Money is dangerous because it deceives us into thinking that wealth is the easiest way to get everything we want. The love of money is sinful because we trust money, rather than God, to solve our problems. Those who pursue its empty promises will one day discover that they have nothing because they are spiritually bankrupt.

Man Talk ~Real Men ~Real Talk Topic:Talkd Down

                                                       Who is Man?

God looks at a man's heart before he looks at his brain.
We will be talking about from April 1st -5th Being Beat Down, Torn Down, Talked Down and Staying Down.. It is time to get up!!
Whenever two people meet there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other sees him, and each man as he really is. Why is it that, in spite of all the mirrors in the world, no one really knows what he looks like? Man is nothing but dust, and he is always throwing it in someone's eyes.

Communication & Marriage-Undoing the Damage

Once you get comfortable expressing your emotions about something outside your relationship, it'll be easier to express yourself when it's something directly involving your spouse or partner inside the relationship..
It takes time to understand how to do this, but once you do , it becomes almost automatic. The best part is that you can manage to change the entire dynamic of your marriage - for the better - once you start making these subtle shifts in yourselff. And you will be happily married for years to come..
We were so amazed by what happened in the couples that we coach , that we put everything we learned into our book so you can experience the same results in your relationships.
Our book is filled with Tools that will help you become more authentic and vulnerable - the kind of spouses that love to devote their hearts to. You'll learn how to show a your husband or wife "The real you" in a way that will bring them closer every day.

"When You Interrupt"
Tonight @ 6pmEST  Guest Call In 1-646-378-1948

Topic: When You Interrupt

Many problems in the home are a direct result of poor communication. While both both husband and wife are responsible to communicate truthfully, effectively and biblcally with each other, the husband is the head of the household and thus carries the primary responsibility in ensuring that communication is taking place in the home. On this episode we will be talking about "When You Interrupt" (Listening)Do not assume you know what your spouse is thinking. Do not assume that you know your spouses motives or opinions regarding a situation without first communicating and receiving the necessary information verbally. Remember, only God know the heart. "For I know their works and their thoughts Isaiah 66:18