Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Morning Praise, Worship & The Word-June 8, 2014

Sunday Morning Praise & Service is a weekly 90 min internet radio program that prepares listeners to worship with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and messages coming to you live with solid biblical insight. We would like to be a place for you to turn to for truth, knowledge, wisdom and hope.

Daddy's Little Girl~( Topic: Self Esteem) You Are Valuable To God

Subtitle-You Are Valuable To God

Most dads love their daughters, but they're uncertain how they can show that love in a way their daughters understand...or figure out what their girls really need from them.On this show we will talk about positive and the negative views on the male sex. Your daughter or you will live in a world with boys and men. Pay attention to the way you address her as well as to the way you talk about women. Be thoughtful in the way you speak to your sons about girls and women, and set limits on appropriate language. The tone you set in your home can either negatively impact how she believes or positively set the way she lives out her life.

Real Men Real Talk~Do It Now!! Series #3 Topic:(Priorities)

PRIORITIES (Goals, Objectives, Purposes)

How can we develop the right priorities
(Proverbs 3:5-6,
KEY BIBLE VERSE: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
About a thousand years later, Jesus emphasized this same truth Look at your values and priorities. What is important to you? In what areas have you not acknowledged him? What is his advice? In many areas of your life you may already acknowledge God, but it is the areas where you attempt to restrict or ignore his influence that will cause you grief. Make him a vital part of everything you do; then he will guide you because you will be working to accomplish his purposes.

Real Men Real Talk~Do It Now!! Series #2 (Topic:Ambition)

AMBITION (Desire, Motivation, Schemes)
How can ambition become destructive?Egyptian priests had great wealth and political influence, something Korah desired for himself. Korah might have assumed that the Israelite priesthood would be the same kind of political machine. He did not understand that Moses’ main ambition was to serve God rather than control others.

How can ambition be controlled?
To be great means keeping a close relationship with God personally and nationally. To do this, David had to keep his ambition under control. Although he was famous, successful, and well liked, he gave God first place in his life and served the people according to God’s purposes. Do you seek greatness from God or from people? In the drive for success, remember to keep your ambition under God’s control.

Real Men Real Talk~Do It Now!! Series #1 (Topic:Fear Is Holding You Back)
FEAR (Awe, Scared, Timid)

Fear of God is motivated by his awesome power and justice.In saying that the Lord is God of gods and Lord of lords, Moses was distinguishing the true God from all the local gods worshiped throughout the land. Then Moses went a step further, calling God “mighty and awesome.” He has such awesome power and justice that people cannot stand before him without his mercy. Fortunately, his mercy toward his people is unlimited. When we begin to grasp the extent of God’s mercy toward us, we see what true love is and how deeply God loves us. Our fear of what he might do to us is transformed into a reverence and awe before his great mercy. Although our sins deserve severe judgment, God has chosen to show love and mercy to all who seek him.

Sunday Morning Praise, Worship and The Word-June 1, 2014
Sunday Morning Praise & Service is a weekly 90 min internet radio program that prepares listeners to worship with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and messages coming to you live with solid biblical insight. We would like to be a place for you to turn to for truth, knowledge, wisdom and hope.

Real Men Real Talk~ The Devil Made Me Do It Series 3 Topic: Waiting
Don"t Let the Devil Talk You Into Tossing Away

Your WAITING (Delay, Lull, Pause)

Waiting gives us opportunity to work out our faith

BIBLE READING: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
Some people in the Thessalonian church were falsely teaching that because Christ would return any day, people should set aside their responsibilities, quit work, do no future planning, and just wait for the Lord. But their lack of activity only led them into sin. They became a burden to the church, which was supporting them; they wasted time that could have been used for helping others; and they became busybodies. These church members may have thought that they were being more spiritual by not working, but Paul tells them to be responsible and get back to work. Being ready for Christ means obeying him in every area of life. Because we know that Christ is coming, we must live in such a way that our faith and our daily practice

Real Men Real Talk The Devil Made Me Do It Series 2 (Topic: Offense)
OFFENSE (Angering, Hurting, Insensitivity)

How can we avoid offending others?

KEY BIBLE VERSE: The next Sabbath he went to the synagogue to teach, and the people were astonished at his wisdom and his miracles because he was just a local man like themselves. “He’s no better than we are,” they said. “He’s just a carpenter, Mary’s boy, and a brother of James and Joseph, Judas and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” And they were offended! (
Mark 6:2-3

Real Men Real Talk The Devil Made Me Do It Series 1 (Topic: Temptation)

The Devil Made Me Do,It Series #1
Temptation often hits hardest in our areas of weakness. For all his wisdom, Solomon had some weak spots. He could not say no to compromise or to lustful desires. Whether he married to strengthen political alliances or to gain personal pleasure, these foreign wives led him into idolatry. You may have strong faith, but you also have weak spots—and that is where temptation usually strikes. Strengthen and protect your weaker areas, because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If Solomon, the wisest man, could fall, so can you.

Sunday Morning Parise & Worship-May 25, 2014
Sunday Morning Praise & Service is a weekly 90 min internet radio program that prepares listeners to worship with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and messages coming to you live with solid biblical insight. We would like to be a place for you to turn to for truth, knowledge, wisdom and hope.

Daddys' Little Girl~Topic: A Role Model
Most dads love their daughters, but they're uncertain how they can show that love in a way their daughters understand...or figure out what their girls really need from them.On this show we will talk about positive and the negative views on the male sex. Your daughter or you will live in a world with boys and men. Pay attention to the way you address her as well as to the way you talk about women. Be thoughtful in the way you speak to your sons about girls and women, and set limits on appropriate language. The tone you set in your home can either negatively impact how she believes or positively set the way she lives out her life.

Man Talk Real Men Real Talk Topic: (Friends)

What are the marks of real friendship?

Real friendship is imitating Christ in our relationships.
We are to love each other as Jesus loved us, and he loved us enough to give his life for us. We may not have to die for someone, but there are other ways to practice sacrificial love: listening, helping, encouraging, giving. Think of someone in particular who needs this kind of love today. Give all the love you can, and then try to give a little more

Thursday Morning Prayer May 22, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hearing God's Voice

                                            Title:Hearing god's Voice
                           Subtitle:Loving God with all your heart!