Thursday, January 30, 2014

~5 Simple Intimacy Tips to Live By ~

                                         ~5 Simple Intimacy Tips to Live By ~           
Intimacy and Romance Tip #1:

Flowers and candy are nice, and occasionally for a special occasion these gifts are always pleasant to receive, but when money is tight, for some of you these gifts are frivolous, and flowers die and candy is eaten - and then there is nothing left.

For most women, she truly doesn't want you to spend a whole lot of money on her to show her you love and care about her. Just quality time!!

Buying her a bouquet of flowers occasionally, as I said earlier, is perfectly acceptable, but don't expect a gift you bought with cash to bring about the type of intimacy she needs. Try a different kind of gift and see how she responds. Like a new branded handbag, shoes, clothing, a piece of jewelry, a 10 star restaurant with all the ambiance.

Intimacy and Romance Tip #2:

Let her know you are thinking about her; listen and communicate especially the first time that you got together. This really takes very little effort and costs absolutely nothing but your time.

My husband sends me several text messages throughout the day while he's doing several errands, just to say he's thinking about me and loves me. I find myself really looking forward to these, and if most of the day goes by and I haven't received one yet, I realize how much I miss them!

One morning, I woke after he was already up; preparing for the day I went into the bathroom to take a shower, there was fresh towels, a wash cloth and roses. Wow! What a surprise…

These little reminders that your woman is on your mind even when you are not with her will make her feel special and important and they take very little time and effort on your part for such a large payoff in return.

Intimacy and Romance Tip #3:

Give her a gift for no reason at all and make it something personal, special even if it is cleaning the house. My husband loves to clean and moves things around. I simply adore the next decorating idea that he comes up with or my input on where things should be placed. I promise if you communicate with each other the things that you want in life it can happen.

Intimacy and Romance Tip #4:

Touch your woman! I'm not talking in a sexual or suggestive way either. One of the things that just does it for me is when my husband seeks me out before he does anything else and kisses, touches, pats, strokes -- something. It doesn't take much, but when you greet her, it doesn't matter if you have been gone for a few minutes or a few days, touch her, kiss her and hug her. Kiss her goodbye, even if you are just running to the store for a few minutes.

When she's standing at the sink washing dishes or at the stove cooking, come up behind her and put your arms around her. Kiss her neck, make her stop for a minute to give you a hug - but touch her.

However, if you take that touching and turn it into something sexually suggestive, it doesn't count in the romance and intimacy department. Just touch her and let her know you enjoy the physical presence of her company. The power of touch is amazing - try it, and you'll see.

Romance and Intimacy Tip #5:

Along the lines of touching her, tip number five deals with physical intimacy - but again, without it leading to sex - but goes a bit further. Intimacy and romance are not just about flowers, poetry, love songs, and gifts... a couple should spend time together in physical situations that do not always lead to sexual relations.

Brush her hair, rub lotion on her back, her legs, her feet,  for her, give her a sensual (not sexual) massage, kiss her forehead or fingertips or neck.

Cuddling on the couch, "making out" with no expectations, walking hand in hand, wrapping your arm around her and holding her close at a movie, slow dancing, snuggling under a blanket in front of a fire, if you have one - these are all physical intimacies that are not sexually related that make such a huge difference for the woman in your life.

Proverbs 5:19
A loving doe, a graceful deer—may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her loveSee More


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