Thursday, January 31, 2013

How did he or she pop the question?

How did he or she pop the question?
How did he or she pop the question?
Share your proposal story with us and you will have the chance to win a gift ( valued at $300) as we celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Begins: February 1, 2013
Ends: February 14, 2013
With your name, address and phone number.
Title your email: Proposal Story
In less than 200 words share with us how you got engaged.
Did you capture this special day on camera? Send us a picture
Don’t have a picture? Just send us a picture of both of you.
Submit your proposal story and photos to:
We will then share your Proposal Story & photos with our Facebook fans, Twitter, Blog, other social networks and Joy Gospel Radio as we choose the winning couple.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Happy Home

Five Ideas to Capture the Essence of Valentines' Day!

1. Make it an occasion for the two of you. Prepare a special Valentine's dessert. If your Valentine is a lover of chocolate, make a mini-chocolate cake: one for each of you. Maybe one with a molten chocolate center would make it a truly special event! Or just make a fancy version of your beloved's favorite dessert.

2. Locate a good photo of the two of you and place it in a very special frame. You can make one (construction paper and lace trimmings) or purchase one. Give it to him or her with a poem you wrote yourself.

3. Build a Valentine box by locating an antique wood box or small metal one. Spruce it up with glitter or rhinestones or ribbon. Or even, if it is wood, take the time to refinish it into bright, satiny wood. Inside, place a special gift. Perhaps a gift card or "IOU" for some activity you can do together. After the gift is used, your Valentine can use the box for other items. But the memory will linger for years.

4. Using heavy-stock paper, cut out hearts and fold them over. Inside, place different messages of love. You can even use this gift to make it "Valentine's Week" by placing heart messages around the house for him/her to find. Alternatively, you can include photos from times you have spent together and put those in the hearts that you scatter around the bedroom or places your Valentine relaxes.

5. Plan a romantic evening. Make reservations at a romantic or favorite restaurant. After dinner, place candles around the living room or bedroom to set the mood - or continue it. Perhaps place a bottle of wine nearby to toast another year of love. Rent a romantic couples' movie and watch it together. Or play soft, romantic music to enhance the mood. Remember, this is your time to appreciate one another and the feelings of love you share. Perhaps you can conclude the evening with a sensual massage.

In the busy life that is typical of modern society, we rarely make the time to focus on one person. Make this Valentine's Day a special one by giving the gift of time and you to your beloved.

Thursday, January 24, 2013



The best things in life are free, are they not? The air we breathe is not sold by the cubic foot. The water that flows crystal clear from the mountain stream is free for the taking. Love is free, faith is free, hope is free.