Monday, April 1, 2013

The Need of Trust

No book has affected our  life more than the Song of Solomon.
Fulfillment of personal need in journey of lifeFor any book to so impact a person’s life is good but rare. Usually, a book ends with its reading. God’s Word, however, provides an unending mine of riches enabling us to dig for whatever we need. Song of Solomon contains nuggets of gold that unlock the mystery of love and trust. These nuggets are the keys to a growing marriage.
In other Bible books, we have commands and illustrations that tell us how to have a good marriage. If we would obey them, we would do well.
But there are things that keep us from having confidence in those commands that they really work. We shouldn’t have this perspective, but many do. They are the same people who point out all the problems occurring in the marriages around them.

There are so many marriage problems surfacing that one wonders how the world has endured this long. Each week we are made aware of another layer of significant marital difficulties in the people around us. Your experience is probably similar. We would have suffered the same condition had it not been for the power of God’s Word that was revealed during times of meditation on His book. Studying  the Song of Solomon, thanks to the prompting of the Spirit of God, we did. Our life has been greatly changed.
We must admit not all the changes and impact came immediately, but what will be shared below are the truths that set a foundation by which all the changes could be made. Maybe you wonder what is it that made such a difference in our life.
Poisoned Relationships
 Everyone wants acceptance, and we were no different. Relationships enable a person to see himself/herself from a different perspective. Loving relationships enable a person to look through the other person’s eyes at his/her own life and get a more accurate picture.

We have  learned about warmth and acceptance growing up. Divorce, bitterness and criticism left us emotionally crippled.  These problems are becoming more common in children as more marriages are going downhill.

The Song of Solomon came into our life like a breath of fresh air. Helping to unlock the ideas in that book was reading and getting understanding. It was the same truth that God began to vividly teach us in the scriptures–God’s love.

Only God’s grace and wisdom has kept us from being another statistic. Let us go on and share how He did this. We may be oversimplifying the process, but the keys that unlocked certain doors of understanding in our life ushered us into places we never would otherwise have been able to reach. You can get there too. t’s first pray.
“Dear Lord, would you please break through our stubborn and blind hearts. We don’t deserve your love. We can’t even understand it. Much like the sun, it is so bright that we have put on sunglasses and keep out of its light. We have learned to live in the shadows of darkness rather than the glories of your love. Bring us close, dear Lord, bring us closer to you that we in turn could have great marriages. In Christ’s Glorious Name we pray, Amen."

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