Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Think Positive in Marriage

A. Think Positive

        When positive attitudes are maintained in marriages

We continue to believe in God and our ability to serve Him. 

We do what God wants us to do.

 We encourage those around us, and overcome those who would discourage us.

We ultimately reach the goals that God has placed before us. Spiritual growth in your marriage, like any other successful venture, requires a positive attitude!With it,God will help us reach our goals for spiritual growth. Without it, we fall short of becoming what God would have us to be. 

 Therefore let's consider a few thoughts about...maintaining a positive attitude in marriage. Choose to be positive. We can control out attitude, our moods and our thinking.
You can choose to rejoice when times are hard. James 1:2
 By avoiding negative self-talk,. Such as "I can't do it...", Such as "It's too hard..."
 By constantly reminding yourself of such things as: You can do what God wants you to do (i.e., grow) - Ph 4:13; 2:12-13
The more effort you make, the more results you will see - Gal 6:7-9; 1 Ti 4:15
Your labor will not be in vain - 1 Co 15:58
By avoiding negative people. Choose your friends carefully -  1 Co 15:33
Stay away from "toxic" people (whose negativity poisons other people's attitudes) Killers of Dreams
 By surrounding yourself with positive people, People who will encourage you to do what is right - Heb 10:24
 People who refresh your spirit, not discourage it - 1 Co 16:17-18; Phe 4-7
 People like Barnabas, "Son of Encouragement" - 
-- With the right  positive attitude, self-talk and the right companionships, you can avoid becoming hardened by the sin of negativity - Heb 3:13


1. Live in the present, not the past
a. If anyone could have bemoaned his sinful past, it was Paul- 1 Ti 1:12-15
b. Yet he chose not to dwell on past mistakes (or even past
successes), but to press on in the future - Ph 3:12-14
2. Live in the present, with a vision to the future
a. This is what Paul did, reaching forward to the prize of the
upward call of God in Christ Jesus - Ph 3:12-14
b. It was the future glory that enabled him to endure the
present trial - 2 Co 4:17-18
 This mature attitude ( Ph 3:15) is what helped Paul to maintain a positive attitude even in the most difficult of times -  2 Ti 4:18

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