Monday, April 21, 2014

A Rare Woman-Interview with Florence Worsham

Who would have ever thought it? From a young child growing up, Flo always sensed tremendous change would someday take place in her life, but she never knew when. Florence Logan Worsham grew up in Halifax County, Virginia as the youngest among six siblings. Her mother became pregnant nine times but three children died at birth…with Flo still being the youngest. In that respect, she always knew within herself - if you were born on this earth - you have a purpose. What the heck is purpose anyway?
To some, the word lights a fire in their belly because they truly understand what it means to live life with a purpose or calling. Others will cringe at the word... what a silly word, purpose. They doubt that everyone (including themselves) has a purpose or that things really do happen for a reason. in this Broadcast Edition we will be speaking with Florence Worsham A Rare Woman that has a true purpose in Life and that is going somwwhere.

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