Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Breaking the Cycle of Retaliation

Retaliation-to do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly: to get revenge against someone
Revenge-retaliate,Get Even-retaliate,Vengeance-retailate
Anger-retailate .
Solomon replied, “If he behaves himself, he will not be harmed; but if he does not, he shall die.” 1 Kings 1:52
Forgiveness is stronger than revenge.
While Adonijah feared for his life and expected the severest punishment, Solomon simply dismissed his brother and sent him home. As a new king, Solomon had the power to kill his rivals, something Adonijah would have done had his conspiracy succeeded. But Solomon acted as if he had nothing to prove, thus demonstrating his authority and power. Sometimes forgiving a personal attack shows more strength than lashing out in revenge.
Trying to prove one’s power and authority often proves only one’s fear.Remember when you have been
Rejected,Denied, Disapproved of & lonely; God is there with you!!
Remember that God’s silence does not mean rejection.
Job was especially upset because God was silent, giving no reasons for his suffering. Job misinterpreted God’s silence as rejection, and once again he said that it was not his suffering that bothered him as much as this apparent rejection. If God had given reasons, however, Job’s faith would probably not have been stretched and strengthened.
· How many times has God done the same for us, holding us back from sin in ways we can’t even detect?
· We have no way of knowing—we just know from this story that he can.
· God works just as often in ways we can’t see as in ways we can.
We are to do good to those who wrong us! Our desire should not be to keep score, but to love and forgive. This is not natural—it is supernatural.
Only God can give us the strength to love as he does. Instead of planning revenge, vengeance, getting even, hating the other with much anger, we are to pray for those who hurt us or you.

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