Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oneness and Unity!!

Philippians 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, [being] of one accord, of one mind.
Have you watched any of the sports teams this year? The sports teams are amazing and some are incredible. It takes skill, practice and team work to accomplish greatness. IWe love hearing the announcers say that a team was not selfish and had learned the art of working together. They knew if they all won, then they won as an individual. They had the concept of oneness and unity. The teams that didn’t have that concept did poorly and you can see how  they blamed each other for their fall. You also could see certain team members standing out and being somewhat selfish in their behaviors. The difference between those teams that worked together and those that didn’t are astounding. 
Did you know that marriage is a team sport? You either win together or you lose together. It takes a while for couples to get that concept. In the beginning of marriages, couples seem to want to compete against each other. If something needs to be done, they take account of who had done the most work that day or who did the chore last and then they would argue about who was carrying the most responsibility in the relationship. This is not playing as a team. This is division and divide is what we did. The selfishness runs deep and is frequently the foundation for a good argument. Some couples do not know what it means to work together and be in unity. We are quite certain that this attitude is the most contributing factor in the break of most relationships. Selfishness  is the  part of most  marriages.
We know for sure that if  you work as a team helping  each other out; you will know more and more about your spouse.  If one  cooks the other is theree to help clean up the dishes. If he/she is doing the laundry, he/she could fold the clothes when they came out of the dryer. If he/she went to change the sheets on the bed, you could be there  to help. Day by day wyou can learn to share the responsibilities and work together. When you learn that sharing the load is so much easier than fighting over who did what or worse yet, letting one  do the majority of the work and then allowing resentment to set in. Just like being on a sports team, you have learned the art of oneness and unity. It feels good to be a winning team.
Marriage is a team sport. You either win together or you lose together. How are you doing in your marriage? Do you work together as a team or do you work against each other? Maybe it’s time to sit down and communicate about how you can be a better team and win at this thing called marriage

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